I like making new friends, literally! My art dolls were born out of a combined love for different crafts, nature and the realm of the slightly fantastic. They gradually evolved into mixed media soft sculptures, and every one of them has a name and their own, unique little background story.
Usually their process involves crocheting a body and any body parts (preferably in the funkiest yarn I can find), a needle felted face with doll eyes, and a variety of sculpted horns, hands, feet and other features. They include a vide variety of embellishments, from handmade clothes, semi precious stones and beads to found shells and other treasures from nature. I have a collection that I keep expanding with treasure hunts in places like second hand shops and the beach, always trying to find the item that is just right for a new friend.
Iām always looking for an excuse to expand the family! I usually have creatures for sale when I attend markets and shows, and will occasionally have some available in my online shop. They are also available on direct commission, where a new friend will be based on requests, from size, colour and theme to details you wish included in their story.