I draw and make things, and have been doing so for as long as I can remember. My need to create is the main driving force in my life, and is a constant voice in the back of my head.
It has always been impossible for me to contain my creativity in one craft, one outlet. That is why, even after a bachelors degree in illustration, I found myself spending a lot of time crafting, continuously fine tuning my craft and what I want to say with all aspects of my art. What that looks like is always developing and evolving, but currently involves artworks in traditional mediums (most often watercolour, gouache and colouring pencils), small fimo clay scupltures and wearable art, and handmade art dolls.
Born and raised in Stavanger, Norway, I now live in an old farm house in South Western Denmark with my husband, our fluffy ginger cat and a couple of chickens. I love spotting the local wildlife from my kitchen window and watching the seasons change around me. If I’m not making art, I’m likely found making something else (the list of craft projects never ends!), painting the walls in our house fun colours or spending time outside, preferably with a basket for foraging wild foods and nature treasures.
I am greatly inspired by my love of nature, from the dainty beauty of hedgerow flowers, the softness of moss and the shape of feathers, not to mention the incredible world of animals and birds. I have also been fascinated by the fantastical since I read my first fairy tales and Astrid Lindgren novels when I was a small human. Some might say I never fully came out again of that realm, and I still try to find a little bit of magic every day in the world around me.